The 60's Throwback

The Democratic Candidate and Peace Corps
Every four years we elect a president into the Oval Office as our United States President. On November 8 in the year of 1960, it was that time. We had the choice of electing a republican candidate or a democratic party candidate. The republican party candidate Richard Nixon, was already in office now running for his second term as president. His main opponent running in the democratic party was John F. Kennedy from the state of Massachusetts who we sometimes call JFK for short. JFK as president accomplished many things while in office but one of the most important was emphasizing public service. Public service making an impact to this country and other countries with it still continuing today, causing change to this world, and domestic change.
Kennedy’s attempt at emphasizing public service at the time of his presidency made an impact to today’s time. In my terms, he gave it a push, a push to action to get the community and citizens yearning for public service. He did this by giving a speech, one of his famous speeches, “‘ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.’” (The legacy of JFK's call to public service Par 2). Stating this to the public was one of his many ideas to try to get the public invested in their country and making it a better place instead of waiting for others to do it for them. It’s basically a call-to-action. He even assisted in starting two programs to allow citizens to help here in the U.S. and abroad known as Peace Corps and VISTA. “Kennedy-era programs like the Peace Corps and VISTA inspired a generation to help repair what was broken both here and abroad.” (Editorial: John F. Kennedy made public service an honorable calling Par 5). With these programs, it showed the public that he was willing to take charge and make a difference to this country and others around the world.
For over 5 decades now the peace corps has been continuing to assist many countries around the world. “The reaction was both swift and enthusiastic, and since 1961, over 220,000 Americans have responded to this enduring challenge.” (The Founding Moment Par 4). Every day there are different people traveling around the world doing different things in different countries. With all these countries in need of assistance there is still a call today for more people to join this organization in helping the lives of many. This program is still running strong today and founded on some of the ethics JFK based this organization with, because he thought this organization would make a huge difference to many lives. “The creation of the Peace Corps dates back to an unexpected moment and impromptu speech more than 55 years ago.” (The Founding Moment Par1). So with it being 55 years later it makes you think that a lot has been done in this world to make a change for the better.
There are many examples of change in this world that the Peace Corps organization has brought to the world. Of those they are all great and have an impact to each community in big and small ways. A lady name Carol Bellamy had an amazing experience in the Peace Corps and after her time in her placement in Guatemala, Mexico she pursued to work more with the Peace Corps and became the director of the Peace Corps. She is now working to provide citizenship and a better education to kids all around. She is just one prime example of being a leader and volunteer to make this world a better place from community to community. Peace Corps not only helps children but the older adults and elderly too. They are to help bring communities back to life through assisting them in economic growth habits, productive farming practices, health and medical needs, education, and even in information technology needs. “‘Other projects that were going on involved, for example, building roads or improving living conditions; they were measurable,’ Taylor says.” (Wilson Par 12). So with all the changes happening around the world in around 140 countries, the Peace Corps organization is making progress. Now with changes around the world taking place that must mean there are changes here in the United States as well.
The Volunteer rate has increased dramatically in the past 5 years from barely having around 9,000 volunteers and serving in 77 countries to having over 200,000 serving in approximately 140 countries. (Peace Corps Par 3). To have that many more volunteers in over that short period of time is an amazing benefit to be able to provide to other countries around the world. To be able to volunteer in the Peace Corps organization you must be trained and certified. Over time training policies changed depending on where you as a volunteer were going to be located. “Volunteer sites are chosen according to specific safety criteria that consider secure housing, transportation, communication, access to services, and proximity to fellow Volunteers.” (Safety and Security Highlights to Help You Prepare for Peace Corps Service Page 7). So with the changes in training in the United States there will come more difficulties at being a volunteer which can be a good thing and a bad thing. There are so many volunteer opportunities within the United States as well, such as working as a trainer to help the volunteers meet the requirements to volunteer in a foreign country, working as health advisors or even in a regional office. (Agency Jobs Par 8)
As a start to the Peace Corps Organization John F. Kennedy was challenged to make a difference abroad. With him launching this organization it has helped and affected so many countries and people probably beyond what he had intentionally thought. With the organization in place the volunteer rate is likely to increase as there is more need in the world. Kennedy had great ideas that he wanted to conquer such as public service and the creation of the Peace Corps and how these ideas would resolve so many issues in the world and what could be done about them. The Peace Corps organization will continue and grown stronger. It’s just like when you get knocked down in life, you get up and you keep trying. All these volunteers have faith and believe in how this world can change and how they can make the difference.
Works Cited
“Agency Jobs” Peace Corps. n.d, Accessed 30 Oct 2016
“Editorial: John F. Kennedy made public service an honorable calling” MASS LIVE. 24 Nov 2013, Accessed 18 Oct 2016
“The Founding Moment” Peace Corps. n.d., Accessed 30 Oct 2016
“The legacy of JFK's call to public service” MPRnews. 22 Nov 2013, 18 Oct 2016
“Safety and Security Highlights to Help You Prepare for Peace Corps Service” Peace Corps. Aug 2011,
Wilson, Jeff. “Peace Corps: A Change of Mind and Heart” TRANSITIONS. n.d., Accessed 30 Oct. 2016